| | | | | | | | | | |   L e f t  B r a i n   | | | | | | | | | | |

I enjoy the analytic aspects of software administration, web design, and working with computers in general. I also enjoy interacting with people, customers, students. For the past twelve years I've divided my time between business intelligence, teaching and training, and web developement/design.
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Business Intelligence

  • Cognos PowerPlay Transformer
  • Cognos Framework Manager
  • Cognos Access Manager
  • Cognos Visualizer
  • Cognos Analysis Studio
  • Cognos Report Studio
  • Cognos Connection
  • SQL Server Enterprise Manager

Teaching / Training / Support

  • Camtasia Studio
  • Developed Corporate Training Program/Website/Materials
  • Provided technical support via phone and in-person to college athletes, CEOs, sales force, people with English as their second language, and more
  • 2 years teaching computer studies

Web Design/Development

  • Dreamweaver CS3
  • Microsoft Expressions Web
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Corel Painter Essentials 3
  • ASP
  • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
  • Adobe Flash
  • Blog software
  • Image Galleries
BI Resume
Web Dev /Design Resume

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Personal Website

Old Personal Website

Samoa Aids Foundation
Word Press Website
Personal Travel Site

Personal Travel Site

Website for prior employer
(Developed) Free Site for Artists