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My debut story: ‘Fireweed’ is included in this global anthology of short stories alongside Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Jhumpa Lahiri, and twenty other wonderful writers.

From the Introduction:  “The concept of One World is often a multi-colored tapestry into which sundry, if not contending patterns can be woven. for those of us who worked
on  this  project, ‘One World’ goes beyond the everyday notion of the globe as a physical geographic entity. Rather, we understand it as a universal idea,
one that transcends national boundaries to comment on the most prevailing aspects of the human condition.
This attempt to redefine the borders of the world we live in through the short story recognizes the many conflicting issues of race, language, economy, gender and ethnicity, which separate and limit us. We readily acknowledge, however, that regardless of our differences or the disparities in our stories, we are united by our humanity.

We invite the reader on a personal journey across continents, countries,
cultures and landscapes, to reflect on these beautiful, at times chaotic, renditions on the human experience. We hope the reach of this path will transcend the borders of each story, and perhaps function as an agent of change. Welcome to our world.”

It is available to order from the publisher, New Internationalist, or purchase on May 1st, 2009 at Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble, Powells, and many other retailers.

  • Burning Daylight (a novel)
  • Sounds Delicious (short story)
  • Bad Tiding from the Metal Bird (short story)
  • Evil is Tasty (Short Story)
  • FAWM.org - February Album Writing Month (14 songs in 28 days)
  • Fish or Honey (Flash Fiction)
  • Sundry flash fiction, short stories, poetry, songs, letters, emails, recipes, grocery lists, emails...
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2040 (a novel) - My first novel, science ficiton.

In the year 2040, John Smith’s top priority is to avoid enslavement by the Orwellian United States of The World. His efforts are thwarted when he stumbles upon evidence of a plot to kill off the entire population of Earth, save for a few masterminds who will be going underground to avoid a nanobot plague. With the help from a fortune-telling, revolutionary Madam D and the very genius scientist who created the plague, John tries to stop this evil plan, his only reason for living just at the moment when world wide death seems imminent. 


Like Marbles (a novel) - A second, science-fiction, novel written for NanoWrio in 2007.

A peek into the lives of those affected by a shift of universal gravity, a rambunctious clan of omipowerful pranksters, and universal truth. From Tephanie Mith trying to plan her wedding day upon the realization that all the knives on Earth have dissapeared, to the General who's already eccentric disposition is riled by the transformation of fissile materials into sweet sugar, to those on Planet C (the ones with two-heads) or Planet Y (with the lava blood) everyone gives insight into the human experience, whether they're human or not.