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A review is in...

"In ‘Fireweed', Skye Brannon thrills with a linguistic journey into parallel worlds. It goes to show how much language can accomplish all by itself."
A fardel of stories -
By Tade Ipadeola - May 30, 2009

Book is NOW Available !

My debut story: ‘Fireweed’ is included in this global anthology of short stories alongside Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Jhumpa Lahiri, and twenty other wonderful writers.

From the Introduction:  “The concept of One World is often a multi-colored tapestry into which sundry, if not contending patterns can be woven. for those of us who worked
on  this  project, ‘One World’ goes beyond the everyday notion of the globe as a physical geographic entity. Rather, we understand it as a universal idea,
one that transcends national boundaries to comment on the most prevailing aspects of the human condition.
This attempt to redefine the borders of the world we live in through the short story recognizes the many conflicting issues of race, language, economy, gender and ethnicity, which separate and limit us. We readily acknowledge, however, that regardless of our differences or the disparities in our stories, we are united by our humanity.

We invite the reader on a personal journey across continents, countries,
cultures and landscapes, to reflect on these beautiful, at times chaotic, renditions on the human experience. We hope the reach of this path will transcend the borders of each story, and perhaps function as an agent of change. Welcome to our world.”

It is available to order from the publisher, New Internationalist, or purchase on May 1st, 2009 at Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble, Powells, and many other retailers.


  • I've begun writing articles/content for the websites eHow.com, Suite101.com, and Argentina's Travel Guide.com!
  • - One World: A Global Anthology of Short Stories is going for a third printing. Also, it is getting picked up by university and high school classes for study! Some contributors, including myself, have written some supplemental materials for educational readers that are to go out with copies of the book.

    - We've moved to Buenos Aires, Argentina! The website/blog originally set up for our pilgrimage across France and Spain has been revamped for our new porteno lifestyle. Check it out:

    If you'd like to know more about our walk along the Camino de Santiago de Compostela, click the image below.