Full Stack Developer Coding Bootcamp at University of Arizona

I recall having a little journal when I was young, the kind with a lock and key. I got bored with my young girl things and started just making stuff up about characters from my imagination. I've enjoyed writing ever since, be it fiction, fact, or the in-between.

Writing: Technical, Travel, and Fiction - Skye Lucking

From the Trip Savvy website:
Skye Lucking is a former writer for TripSavvy (Formerly About.com) for over one year. She arrived in Argentina February of 2010, traveled for two months, and found her home base in the hustle and bustle of Buenos Aires. Skye has worked as an IT recruiter, salesperson, artist, and freelance writer to fund her adventures in the Southern Hemisphere. Her earlier adventures include spending her formative years at her parents' skydiving business and two years as a Peace Corps Volunteer on the island of Samoa. Her articles have appeared on eHow.com, Livestrong.com, Suite101.com, and several Argentina travel websites.

Writing: Technical, Travel, and Fiction - Skye Lucking

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Writing: Technical, Travel, and Fiction - Skye Lucking

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Travel Writing Highlights